Namaste beloved godmothers, godfathers and members,
How is life treating you in Europe?
Here everything is going well!
In February 2018 Anouskha was born. Her name means “the one who is living her dreams”. We really hope it becomes true. What is very clear to me is that in order to archive this she needs our help. Even growing up healthy and happy in hard conditions, with many siblings, a mother with little strength and an alcoholic father is a big challenge.
This is why Childsrights decided to give her all the necessary attention. Not long ago we were happy to find godparents for Anouskha and thanks to their help; the little girl is doing pretty good.
Our children are doing very well, they have finished their exams and now they will be on vacation until July 1st.
During their vacation, they rest a lot, since school demands lots of their attention and energy. Now the children pass their time playing cricket, tennis and football. Or they simply do art projects, they dance or pay attention to the cook in the kitchen in order learn how to prepare some delicious dishes. Looks like it’s a lot of fun to prepare the indian bread called chapatti. I have tried it but never got the hang of it.
Here are the news of our students. Three of them just graduated from high school.
- Rajani, wants to study languages in order to become a tourist guide.
- Sonu, would love to become a cricket player, but I think we have to convince him to choose another profession.
- Jyoti is an excellent student. For now she signed up for computer classes. She doesn´t know what to study yet. She still has time until July in order to make up her mind.
The six Youngsters who are already studying in university or doing a professional internship are developing very well. We are very happy especially with Pinki who is very motivated with her law studies. Even though it is a very difficult field of study she is making big efforts, and has been able to keep up with the required rhythm. BRAVO!
I hope you like the news as much as we do! Thank you for your attention!
Nane-Didi 🙏
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