HAPPY HOLY my dear Friends,
Once again we are greeting you form India! How is everything over there?This March we are celebrating the party of colors. It´s called HAPPY HOLY. This party serves to welcome springtime and to say goodbye to the “old” and welcome the “new”. One of the significant features of this celebration is that people throw colorful powder from a big tube at each other. The kids are enjoying the party and simply love it!
We are thinking of you in our day-by-day routine grateful for your help in archiving our dreams.
We are busy with fundraising in order to be able to start constructing the new baby home.
Little by little, we make progress!
Our kids that are already safe her at their HOME are growing up very well. Every day they deal with the work at school, their homework, and also helping to keep the home a clean and a dignified place to live in but most of all they learn by playing. That’s what the kids are supposed to do!
A big THANK YOU for always being with us!
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