Lucky 2
Hello everybody, How are you? I am doing pretty good and the children… “thank god” are doing very good!
Today I would like to tell you about the little girl named Lucky, I wrote about her exactly one year ago. She suffered from anemia and had a virus, maybe you remember her? If you are interested in her story you can look it up in the newsletter from October 2017.
We treated her with extremely strong medicine and it was very successful. I can´t really say she is all cured but much better. She is so happy, the other day she put on her sun glasses took her bag and looked at me with an expression on her face like “Come on, I fine again! Lets see the world!” She is such a funny little girl our Lucky! This year I will try to sign her up for kindergarden.
Our beloved Pinky who arrived when she was only eight years old surviving in the streets before she came to us, is now 20 years old and wants to become a lawyer. She is very happy to have been able to study her first year in University. She left our center in order to live in a shared flat in Jaipur. We are still supporting her and I can tell she is very cheerful, content and responsible taking her path in university.
Also Jeenat, Mamta and Pooja left our house. The three live together in the center of Jaipur. They study very hard. Another stage in the life of the girls or better say “young women”. This also means that Childsrights entered another stage. We are very happy to be able to observe that our objective to offer them a dignified future is becoming reality.
Thanks to your generous support, Childsrights is moving forward.
Angels and Nane
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