The good Memories
Hello everyone,
It’s been 10 years since this photo was taken, and sometimes I like to look at it and remember this trip.
We spent a few days in Rishikesh, the city of Yoga.
The Beatles used to spend their summers there to meditate and compose new songs. To this day, there is a museum dedicated to them. We went to visit it, and I explained to the children who the Beatles were, played them some of their songs, and I thought they wouldn’t like it, but to my great surprise, they loved it and started dancing to the rhythm.
Since we spent a few days in this sacred city, we took the opportunity to practice yoga and meditate. From a very young age, I had the children meditate for about 10 minutes. Any longer would be too much for a young child. It’s good to teach children meditation, as it helps them control their minds much better. Shivam (to my right) has always been a very nervous child, and when he felt like he was losing control, he would say, “Mom, wait, I’m going to meditate for a moment.” Now he’s 14 and still just as nervous, even more so; it seems like he was born that way.
When my dear teacher from Spain, Swami-Ji, came, he spoke to Shivam and gave him “his mantra,” which says: CONTROL YOURSELF.
Well, today I’ve taken you back to memories from the past, I thought it was nice to share them with you. Now I’m back in India, and I’ll bring you more news soon.
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