Nane-Home is located in the village of Khajuraho and is the third Childsrights home. It opened its doors in September 2012. Five boys and five girls between the ages of 2 and 8 live there. Actually they are between 14 and 19.
“Nane-Home” was named after it´s founder Christiane. Her friends call her Nane.
The home
The children of Nane-Home are motherless without exception, and some are full orphans. Those who have a father, it´s like not having him at all because many of them are alcoholics or have problems with gambling and barely survive on their own. In one case a father told Christiane: “Take them, you can have them, I don´t want them”. He was referring to his three children who where interferring with his plan to remarry.
Christiane travels twice a year to India, totally for 8 months, in order to spend long periods of time with the kids. Mr. Mahesh are living 24 hours with the children and is responsible for them in everyday matters. Another cook is providing a daily, fresh meal for lunch and dinner. Two private teacher are joining us to help the children with their homework. Mr.Mahesh is the responsible for organizing the staff and home and further he takes care of the “paper work”, in a country like India it is absolutely necessary to work with a local.
English school
Anjana and Khushboo sitting on a bunk in the girls bedroom
Nane-Home is a spacious house with a kitchen, dining room, five bedrooms and three bathrooms. It also has a library, a terrace and a garden; of the bedrooms, one is for the boys, one for the girls, a third one are sharing the two oldest girl and the other two belong to their caretakers.
The education of children
None of the children has ever been to school until Childsrights took over their care and began to invest love in their futures. Since then, the Nane-Home children visit a private English school. In addition they get help with their homework every evening for one hour by two private teachers. Furthermore we try to teach them spanish language. This way the children grow up surrounded by three languages which helps with their fututre opportunities. Not leaving out artistic expression, which is very stimulant during childhood, and furthermore Krishna, Jyoti, Anjana and Khushboo, began in April 2014 to attend a music school nearby to learn to sing and play the Hindu table.
Mr. Mahesh
Room dedicates time to meditate with the children.
The cook Mrs. Rangee