The Digambara community
Since Childsrights started to work in 2007, until today all of the Ganga, Childs-In and Nane-Home kids have made great progress thanks to the valuable presence of the godparents. Individually the godparents took care and are still doing so of the nourishment, education and the attention of their godchildren through a monthly payment accompanied by letters, visits or other form of affected contact. Fortunately, all children of the Childsrights houses have godparents who take care of them in their lives. Thanks to this, Childsrights can put their energy towards a new project: The baby community.
The community of the babies or Digambara community is a beautiful project that unites solidary people all over the world with indian people. The members establish a solidary spiritual link with the children and contribute with their presence and awareness to their development in a loving environment. Once the infrastructure is finished, the 40 children that will be part of the baby community will be without families recovered from the streets or abandoned in hospitals.
The headquarters of the Digambara community is at the same time an “Ashram”, a place defined by its peace and harmony that is now under construction. The word Digambara means in Sanskrit “naked” “free of desires”, “dressed with heaven”. The terrain has been purchased and the plan of the site is elaborated. The construction however, still needs economic help in order to become materialized. Once the Digambara Ashram will be constructed it will have two separate parts: For one it will have the baby house and the house of the Nane-Home children and the other part will be a guest house, so the godparents and the community members will be able to visit the project if they wish to.
How can I become member of the community?
If you want to become a member of the Digambara commnity please contact Christiane Gey via e-mail at ( She can clarify all doubts you might have and explain how to make sure that your monthly support can be received. Please don´t think that a small amount is insignificant or ridiculous. It´s far from that. Every Euro is a great gesture, very needed and a big help. No matter if 5, 20 or 50€ a month, it will make a difference.
The Digambara members are receiving information about the advance that takes place in the community environment and about the children entering, forming an independent and complete community.
A big thanks to all godparents and future Childsrigts members. All together we are heading towards a better place in the world. You are not necessary, you are indispensable.